Learning the Chakra System

Over the past few years, I've been hearing about and coming across information regarding the chakra system by way of the New Age generation on social media and some friends, but as spiritual and as open-minded as I am, I never took the time to do my own individual research. Maybe because I wasn't interested or maybe due to the fact that it simply wasn't my time to evolve into that sector of enlightenment. A couple of days ago, I came across a site that does chakra testing, and so I partook in it just for the hell of it and to see what this craze way is all about. When the results came in, I learned that most of my chakra points are balanced with the exception of my root chakra, and this sent me into research mode. 

Now, let's back-up for a second. For beginners like myself, chakras are the major energy/spiritual centers in the human body that starts from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. These major special points in the body affects all parts of our being from emotional reactions, relationships, success, mental capacity, and disease resistance. The seven chakras are Crown, Third-Eye, Throat, Heart, Plexus, Solar, Sacral and Root, and each one have its own dominion of the body, mind, and soul. For the sake of example, the first chakra which is the root chakra and is located at that base of the spine, is the foundation of the chakra system and it is responsible for our sense of safety, fear, survival, prosperity, and grounding. The root chakra energy is ruled by its element which is earth, while others are under different elements. The root chakra also have a heavy influence on the nervous system, therefore if your root chakra is low, then you probably experience and suffer from anxiety, worry, constipation, colon disease, bad nerves, fatigue, and lack of inspiration. Once I became familiarize with the seven chakras and the way they individually work, I was able to identify my imbalances.

Now, that I am aware that my root chakra is imbalanced and probably is inactive/blocked, I've decided to embark on a journey of healing for the following 30 days - or longer if need be. I'm currently under enlightenment by way of research and well-evolved healers. I'm challenging myself to do yoga poses ( which I am very new to ) and chakra healing meditation, as well as pray three times per day in hope of healing and change. Each week, I will do an update and share my experiences. I also strongly encourage everyone to do a chakra test to learn your weak and strong chakra points, because it's a life and game-changer.


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